49 Members attended the 2015 Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 30thSeptember. The new Board was elected unopposed with Michael Joseph continuing as President and Stan Conner continuing as Captain. The seven Directors elected were Nigel Groome, George Hogan, Bruce Johnson, Karen Lasky, Louise Murray, John Simpson and Darren Wathen. All Members in attendance received their complimentary History Book of The Lakes Golf Club, marking the release of this fabulous production.
The Notice for the AGM had included one Special Resolution. Immediately prior to the commencement of the AGM the Board met and considered the numerous pieces of constructive written feedback from Members who had recently raised concerns with some parts of the proposed amendments to the Constitution. The Board resolved at their meeting to not put the motion to the AGM Meeting. President Michael Joseph advised the 48 Members in attendance that based on the recent feedback the Board would not be putting the Special Resolution to the Membership. Michael thanked Members for the consideration and constructive feedback that had been provided that was extremely valuable and encouraged all Members to communicate any further feedback they may have in writing to the Board. Two Members in attendance elected to still proceed with proposing and seconding the Special Resolution which was then defeated with a unanimous vote. Over the coming months the Board intend to consider any additional written feedback received and then seek further advice from the Club’s solicitor regarding the matter.
Annual General Meeting
Filed under: Guests News