As recently communicated via the E-News, the Club has released the Annual Report which includes the Notice of Annual General Meeting and the notice for Nominations for Directors.
Whilst the Board nomination period remains open until 5pm Wednesday 4 September, it is likely that there will be an election based on the nominations received to date.
As per changes to the Constitution at the 2022 AGM, the ballot for the election will be conducted electronically this year. The appointed Returning Officer (ballot system) will be CorpVote.
All Members who are eligible to vote will automatically be registered on the voter roll to receive their ballot electronically. This will be distributed by CorpVote both via SMS and email.
Please take a moment to check that your details are up to date and correct in the “My Information – My Details” section when you log-in to the Club’s website. This will ensure you receive the ballot link when voting opens.
If you would like to opt-out of electronic voting and receive a paper ballot, please notify the Club in writing at by COB Wednesday 4 September.
Once an election is confirmed on Wednesday next week, further communication will be made regarding the election and voting system.
Kind Regards
Matt Olson
General Manager